Day: April 4, 2024

Littering destroys our environment


Where does litter come from? Litter comes from people who throw it away without thinking and then it gets into the sewers, and finally our precious oceans.

Why is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch bad for our world? The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is bad because sea animals can die from eating the plastic we throw away or they can also get strangled! The rubbish covers a huge area of the sea so that we cannot see the beautiful dolphins jumping out of the ocean to say hello to us. The garbage floating there is about 1.6 million square kilometres and it is the same size as Texas. 

If people don’t stop littering, very soon sea creatures will all be dead. To stop this from happening, we should start practising the four R’s – recycle, reuse, reduce, refuse. We should help clean up our oceans by picking up plastic rubbish. At home we should recycle plastic containers and use them again and again. Instead of using single use water bottles we can use metal drinking bottles. I wish to see clean oceans that are safe for all sea creatures. We should put more effort into educating each other about the negative effect of littering.